May 15, 2019 News Letter

  1. Messages from the Board

  2. Volunteers


Messages from the Board

The past five months have challenged the CMCS Board as we launched our new website. Ongoing activities for the Board include learning how to fully use, and working with volunteers and partners to channel traffic towards the site. It is the Board’s hope that this resource, updated and refreshed, can be a more interactive tool for members and interested parties to build peaceful communities.

In the past few months, CMCS has celebrated its 25th anniversary, completed team building exercises, developed strategic plans, worked on strategic planning, and then redid everything twice - crossing the i’s and dotting the t’s (just kidding). The Board had several meetings and spent time on strategy, all the way through to the CMCS’ Mission, Vision, and Values; building on our strong foundation of growth and helping neighbours today, tomorrow, and in the next three, five, and ten years!

In order to support our growth and ensure our clients, partners, and volunteers are supported, we have started the process to fill the role of ‘Membership Coordinator.’ Many thanks to Erin Rennson who is moving to British Columbia – all the best in your new adventures! We are also creating a new role which will be responsible for marketing and community liaison tasks. This role will be posted and shared with you in the near future.

The Board is also growing! A warm welcome to Rhonda Day and Michael Lloyd. They have joined just in time to put their efforts and energy into ongoing activities and several exciting new projects which we will present at our AGM. We hope to see you there!

Please note: CMCS will not be hosting a members meeting in June.

Follow us on LinkedIn!!

CMCS is proud to announce we now have a LinkedIn profile. You can follow us at . Stay tuned for Career opportunities, blog posts and much more as we start to expand the use of our social media network and share more about alternative dispute resolution and conflict management.

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The CMCS Recognition Program is a valuable part of our membership. We have been working hard to complete the Recognition Program, and after the launch, our next step was to design the pin for the mediator milestone (26 points). We are pleased to share the design with you (below) and hope to have the new pins to hand out at the AGM. For those of you who have reached the mediator milestone and are now working towards your Mentor pin, we are looking forward to unveiling its design soon!


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Alberta Law Days

Once again CMCS generated interest at the Annual Law Day Event.
Thank you CMCS Volunteers!!

Special thanks to:

Thomas Fielding
Heather MacDonald
Kim Nordmark
Michael Lloyd
Joan Shearer

We would not be able to do the work we do in the community without you!

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June 24 and 25, 2019 Casino

CMCS is in need of five to six volunteers for the 2019 casino evening shift. If you, or someone you know, might be available to work the evening and late shifts for CMCS a referral would be greatly appreciated. AGLC funds enable CMCS to complete a lot of its special projects such as the new website, marketing, community partnerships (e.g., scholarships), rebranding, and many other projects. If you, or someone you know, are available, please forward their names to CMCS as soon as possible via the form below. Thank you!

Evening - 7:00pm - 3:00am
Late - 11:00pm - 3:00am

Board Member

Position Activity: Board Member, Committee Member, Community Outreach



Gain Board experience and help strengthen individuals and communities…“Where do I sign up?” 

Community Mediation Calgary Society (CMCS) is looking for people who would like to serve on its working Board for a two-year term. The Board meets monthly for 2 hours, with the Annual General Meeting held in June.  Board members also serve on separate committees who meet in between board meetings.  Total time commitment is approximately 5-10 hours/month.

Do you have to be a mediator? No, you simply have to be interested in conflict resolution and in fostering positive relationships that build stronger communities. If you are not currently a member of CMCS you must be willing to join.

What does the Board do? It shapes the future of CMCS—an organization that 
empowers people and communities to resolve conflicts one conversation at a time. A non-profit organization, CMCS does not charge community residents for its mediation services.

If you would like more information, or are interested in joining the Board, please contact the Vice-President of the board through the form below. The application deadline is Tuesday, June 1, 2019.

CMCS would not exist without its amazing volunteers—people who help strengthen Calgary communities! Thank you for your interest.


If you have photos of your interactions with CMCS, please send them to and we will add them to the website.


Membership Coordinator
5-8 Hours Per Month

Overview: The Roster Coordinator maintains the CMCS on-line databases. This allows the Intake Coordinator to communicate with all roster volunteers and the Board to communicate with all CMCS members.
This person is critical to the organization, as they ensure that volunteer mediator qualifications are verified, documented, and up-to-date. They also maintain membership records.

1 Year Contract

Required Skills:

  • Competent computer skills including:

  • Microsoft Word, Excel, Sharepoint and Outlook

  • familiarity with database management

  • Excellent communication skills and record keeping; attention to detail.

  • Familiar with interest-based mediation training (not required but as asset)


Service Delivery Rosters (70%):

  • Maintain CMCS volunteer rosters and document qualifications. This includes

  • collecting all roster requirements and updating the database with changes

  • maintaining education, skills, and experience records

  • maintaining the roster database to ensure data accuracy when building volunteer service delivery teams.

  • Monitor volunteer participation as they progress through the practice levels

  • Communicate with roster participants to update availability and interest records.

Society Membership (30%):

  • Maintain CMCS membership records including payments, consents, and membership status:

  • Monitor on-line applications from new and renewing members.

  • Setup new members

  • Follow-up on outstanding member requirements and fee payments.

  • Monitor member payments and update the database with payment due dates, contact details, and membership status.

·         Maintain membership database.

·         Respond to calls and emails relating to roster training and membership meetings, events, and other CMCS service delivery business.

  • Perform the services above within one business day after receiving a call or email.

Job Type: Contract

Interested applicants can send their resume and cover letter to with “Membership Coordinator” in the subject line.



Communications & Community Relations Coordinator