CMCS November Newsletter

  1. Follow us on Social Media And Win!       

  2. Announcements        

  3. Save the Date                 

  4. Friendly Reminder         

Follow us on Social Media!  

Did you know we have Instagram, Twitter and Facebook!? We are looking for more followers to increase our profile and spread the message of our great work at CMCS. If you follow any of our three social media profiles you will be entered to win a chance to waive your annual membership fee for the year! Winners will be announced in our February 2020 newsletter. For each account you follow, you will be entered to win! This is exclusively for members only. Search for “CMCS Calgary” on either platform.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram


Community Engagement.png

Building peaceful communities..

We’ve been working hard to increase our engagement over the past few months. Engaging with community associations, senior living (pictured) facilities and other community grass root not-for profit organizations. Our goal is to increase both our community engagement and mediator oppertunities over the next year!

CMCS has undertaken an initiative to boost the number of mediations we see each year as well as the number of members we have. In 2019, we have seen a boost in the number of members and a large boost to the number of CAM's, however; we have not realized that increase in our mediations. We are working hard to increase our community partners and as a result our mediations.

Low mediation numbers will have the greatest impact to our newest members who are not getting as many opportunities as they may have hoped for and are likely not on the CAM Roster yet. We are very aware of this issue and working diligently to address it. We have undertaking two massive marketing projects aimed at increasing awareness of CMCS and in turn increasing the number of mediations we have on a yearly bases.  In addition, we held a CAM training session on November 15, 2019, which, will allow for additional opportunities for members via the CAM Roster.

CMCS has also recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding with PMAST which will allow for opportunities for our members to facilitate different kinds of workshops and training. For more information on these opportunities, please contact PMAST directly. We look forward to creating more opportunities for all our members in the months to come and can't wait to see you at our training and member meetings!

Save the Date!

Champagne Brunch January, 2020  (1).png

We would like to thank Kathleen Ladner, Zina Ibrahim and Tyson Bankert for all the work they do for CMCS and we will be giving them a break over the holidays. Our offices will be closed over the holidays from December 20, 2019 - January 5, 2020.

Friendly Reminders


If you did not receive a new name-tag in the mail please contact Kathleen Ladner, CMCS Coordinator, at or 403.269.2707 and she will email you a new name-tag. We ask that you replace your old name-tags with the new ones as we have removed mediator’s last names from our name-tags. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you ever come into conflict in the community? Do you get questions about the public about what services CMCS provides. Here are some helpful reminders about the services we provide.

There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about”
— Margaret J. Wheatley

Champagne Brunch! January 18th!


November Trainings! CAM and Unconscious Bias Training